Hourglass female fat burner
Fat Burner Reviews

Hourglass Female Fat Burner Review

Hourglass is a capsule-type supplement marketed as a female fat burner. Most weight loss aids that are aimed at women are equally suitable for men. Hourglass is no exception and the FAQ page on the official website makes this admission by stating: “Anyone aged over 18 who is looking to [Read More]

Flat Tummy Lollipops Kim
Diet Products

Flat Tummy Lollipops Kim Kardashian And All That!

Flat Tummy Lollipops are appetite suppressing lollipops sold in bags of thirty. The product is aimed at women and each bag contains a mixture of flavours (grape, watermelon, yellow apple, and berry). Each lollipop provides 35 calories. That’s the same amount of calories you’d be likely to get from a [Read More]

Skinny Angel results
Diet Pill Reviews

Skinny Angel – Extreme Fat Burner Review

Skinny Angel is a supplement marketed under the ViMulti brand name and sold via Amazon.com. ViMulti claim the product is powerful enough for men, but was designed for women and will target fat in “troubled areas” like the belly and thighs. Promised benefits include: Lose stubborn belly fat Destroy fat [Read More]

Make you hunger go away

32 Great Ways to Make Your Hunger Go Away

Hunger is horrible. It is the biggest reason why diet attempts fail. Here are a few things you can do to make it go away. Some are obvious, some are not, some are from left field and some are downright bizarre. Choose Your Bread Carefully Research shows eating cereal-based bread [Read More]

Glucomannan - The Secret Is in the Fibre

Glucomannan Great for Suppressing Your Appetite

This article on Glucomannan highlights it’s ability to suppress hunger and reduce appetite. It does have other benefits but weight loss is arguable it’s biggest benefactor. Glucomannan is an appetite suppressing fibre made by processing the roots of an Asian plant called Konjac. It appears on the back of diet pill [Read More]