BodyFit review
Fat Burner Reviews

Femme Factor BodyFit Review

BodyFit is a fat burning and energy supplement brought to market by Femme Factor. The company is based in the US and claims to be dedicated to “unleashing the smart, strong, and sexy potential in all women, regardless of age”. Femme Factor also claims to be constantly seeking ways to [Read More]

Diet Pill Reviews

Team Six Star6urn-PM Fat Burner And Sleep Aid

Team Six Star6urn-PM is a health and wellness supplement that’s sold on Amazon by Team Six Supplements. Apart from the fact that the company is very active on Amazon, and markets several other products via the site, there’s no information available about Team Six Supplements. Like a lot of other [Read More]

Instant Knockout for women
Best Products

Instant Knockout For Women, Female Fat Burner

Instant Knockout for Women Review Instant Knockout is fat burner and an energy boosting diet pill that was originally developed to support the training and fat burning needs of professional fighters. The original restrictions on its distribution are no longer in place. Instant Knockout is now available to all and [Read More]

Ageless Kiss Supplement
Womens Health

Ageless Kiss – Complete Female Optimization

Ageless Kiss is a dietary supplement that’s that alleged to give women the complete optimization they need to unlock their “best potential self”. It’s produced by a company called Raw Synergies and sold exclusively via Amazon. We managed to locate a company website, but it doesn’t provide any company information [Read More]

Simply Slim Xplosion T6 Fat Burner
Fat Burner Reviews

Simply Slim Xplosion T6 Fat Burner Review

Simply Slim Xplosion T6 Fat Burner is a supplement produced by Epic supplements and sold on Amazon under the Simply Slim brand name. The company also markets another product called Extreme T5 Fat Burner and the interesting thing is both formulations are the same. The colour of packaging is the [Read More]

Probulus Toner
Fat Burner Reviews

Probulus Toner Review – For Women

Probulus Toner is part of a range health and fitness products manufactured by Praxol Enterprises and marketed under the Probulus brand name. Some Probulus products are alleged to have been specially developed for women. Others are unisex and there are also several supplements aimed at men. Probulus Toner is marketed [Read More]